Friday, February 25, 2011


View those butterflies
In exciting color and in
Babble, the pretty chatterbox!
They never in gloom, but in joy
With nameless happiness rules
Feel they no worries, for them
The world is still in splendor!
To learn they go, to play,
To dance and to sing in group.
Hark the little lass’ prattle
In pigtails and in pretty frocks
Look the small boy in uniform
In shape like a mature
He is in thought and his face
Shows he is with earnest idea!
He is the hope of a loving mom;
She is the dream of a caring pa,
And they are the dreams
Of our future in whole!
Unlock your conscience,
Let them grasp your care
They, the brothers and sisters of
The loving little ones of
Your own home,
Are not strangers to you!
Don’t let the road to stain
In red by these flowers in glee
With your neglect a moment!